

Assalamualaikum all... (",)

Its almost the end of the first month. Have you had the chance to reach any of your goals yet? who knows... "hehe" Anyway... the weather's been very gloomy most of the times with flash flood and land slide everywhere which makes staying at home far more cool. "hahaha" At school, teaching was great, but all the other extra non-teaching works add on the challenge and tiredness. I really don't mind tho as long as i'm still given things within my capability... that's cool enough for me ;)

Teaching the topic reproduction is very exciting "hahaha" but the students seem to be more interested than me. Starting with the reproduction in flowering plant, I was really amused with their answers they had given me in their classwork. I gave them questions on plants and the answer i got were regarding sperm, vagina, oviduct, uterus and so on... *WOW* glad to know they did Extra Reading on other new topics at home "hahahaha nanti dorang!!!" I will ask them to explain infront of the class "hehehe serve them right".

Haven't seen any other friends especially the jubsters yet but i'm sure we'll go out for lunch or dinner sometime soon. Today I went to yvonne's open house in seria and to vicky's in tutong for celebrating the Ox year. Went there with sal, iffah, mala, seah, ka'janah and her daughter and ofcourse my HOD "hehe siapa nah". Pictures will not be posted... "sebab aku karit! hahaha" InsyaAllah soon.. Owh! you know what??? I saw something at yvonne's place. Our graduation picture (me, yvonne and nana) nicely framed and placed with her other personal photos. awwww... so sweet of her. i know... if ada si Al, complete tia "hehe" that picture was posted on the borneo bulletin the day after our graduation. I still keep a copy of that paper (^^)

Right now (11.11pm), i'm suppose to complete my 5 pages forms and finish my lesson notes for tomorrow "hahaha" Ok guys thanks for reading... do take care.. adios!


Santy's Birthday party

Science Fair

I was wrong

Assalamualaikum guys...
I've been very busy lately but fortunately things are settling down...slooowly... it takes time! well atleast i see progress (",) anyway... what have i missed people? Do keep me posted with the current issues and your spicy and absolutely sizzling xoxo stuff! "hahaha" i know you all have a lot to say ;p *LOL*

one question~ Have you ever gone through a situation where you thought... *really really thought* that someone (that you care) do understand you? hmmm.... it makes me do a lot of thinking...

Even for a long time married couple, one could not really understand his/her partner... Its a fact~

I was once told...
"Men need to be understood and Women need to be loved"
I couldnt agree more..

However there's time we overlooked on things and and assume all are going in the right directions. when you thought you knew exactly where u were heading.. you tend to close your eyes and keep going until you hit on something that makes you open your eyes so widely and realise you are at the wrong place...

Faham? tak faham.... takpe lah "hehe"

Yang penting I was wrong~
Busy is just an excuse. It never was and never will be a valid reason not to give attention and spend time with people u care and love so much.

Hope everyone get all the love and attention they deserved...

To you, I'm sorry if i made you think that you are not important for me...

-goodnight everyone-


The past 10 days

salam people~

OMG! i missed blogging... there's lots and lots of thing going on since the last time i updated this 'great' blog of mine "hahaha" It all started when i received a call from MOE asking me to be there the next day for a briefing. the next thing i know... i was posted to SMSUA as a relief teacher. So basically the payment is based on allowance only. Honestly i didn't know where in brunei that school was until hadi, seah and iffah showed me the long long road to that school.. "hehe" Oh the place... errmmm i was terribly shocked at first! berabis.. didnt expect to be posted there. sorry hadi if u read this... oh Thank god I work with him.

Everything tends to be really nerve breaking for the first few days especially when i was told to handle exam classes.. pmb & o'level. "takuuuutttt~" hopefully things will perfectly fall into their places soon... soON! If not, i will still be lost.. trying to cope and adapt to all new people and stuff.. and more... i have one o'level repeater class... atu jua inda ke jantong! "hehehe"

Anyway.. in between all that, we... the jubsters managed to throw up a big 'surprise' birthday party for santy... "kan san.... hehe" I will upload the photos soon. And we're going to the Audi showcase in JP this saturday night insyaAllah.

And yea... i started teaching night classes as well... New subject, new students, new place and new boss! ane pun bagi ke jantong ni.. "hahaha" SOoo.... i work morning till night! gosh~ Busy busy busy~

One more thing, one of those days... i was craving for nasi katok mama berabis... and sanggup ke sana alone to have two piring of that deliciouze dish! "hahaha"

OK guys... Hope to meet everyone very very soon...
till then, take care


RED & WHITE gathering

Salam guys~ Just a quick random photos from our Red-White beach gathering. I'll make a proper post soon... "hehe" I'm currently in a BUSY mode.
(^^) EnJoY!!!


Ar-Rahim (Maha Penyayang)

Bila Allah Cepat Makbulkan Doa Mu,Maka DIA Menyayangi Mu.

Bila DIA Lambat Makbulkan Doa Mu,Maka DIA Ingin MengujiMu.

Bila DIA Tidak Makbulkan Doa Mu,Maka DIA Merancang Sesuatu Yang Lebih Baik Untuk Mu.

Oleh Itu Sentiasalah Bersangka Baik Pada NYA Dalam Apa Jua Keadaan Pun.

Kerana Kasih Sayang NYA Itu Mendahului Kemurkaan NYA...

This is from dome's blog.
Hope you guys love it as much as i do

BesT MeEting eVeR

Salam people~
Yes! another dinner "hehe" But this time with the jubster~ yeay!!!
i love it!!! "haha masih iski ani"
(Fish, Zul & Musa couldn't make it)

Owh... It was suppose to be a meeting for an event which will be held this sunday.
Wanna know more~ you have to wait till Sunday "hehe"


The meeting/dinner wouldn't be complete without BeGamBars!!!
~the best part~

Bilah, hani, Hakeem, ME, Tuty & Santy

This was taken by Santy with mukanya yang biyut "hahaha"
kenapa nah? pasal inda kana bawa begambar "hahahaha"


sempat lagi beRomance "hehe" nice!

I love this one...
from now on, you guys can call them *org badan basar*
makin Vain ni Dorang ah~ OMG!!!

-The End-