

Cats!!! i like them but i was never a big fan of doing the cleaning part... you know... "haha" Last semester, few cats just came from nowhere to our hostel and we took them as our pet. "pengubat duka and penghibur lara especially yang stress buat kerja". Obviously, i didnt volunteer myself to give them a "cat shower" hahaha that was my friends' job since they enjoyed it so much. I bought some foods for them and they slept with me most of the time. Infact, sometimes they took bigger part of the bed than me. "not fair!" "ketidak adilan berlaku haha" Anyway, me and ayoi gave them names which are way more glamorous and so over the top than Britney & Paris. Their names are MUNAH and PE'AH "wuahahaha". Munah is just a kitten but "garang" while Pe'ah is very Big + gemuk + manja and she always wakes me up everytime she heard azan Subuh... "masyaAllah" Oh yea, I posted these pictures because i need to delete them & clear my phone memory ;)




Anonymous said...

So cute ehh.. Usulnya a.. Bawa ya ke rumahku zim.

Anonymous said...

Bagus jua kucing atu bangunkan ko supaya solat subuh. Good..good=D