
<>[ Syukran ]<>

I had my teaching practice at SMMG and it was really a whole new, very challenging experience. believe me.. it was never easy! hahaha "banar.. lalah bui jadi cigu cemerlang ani" hahahaha.. (just kidding) anyway, i wanna share a story with you guys. In SMMG, i only had two classes but i had huge challenges from one of them. Mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically as they were all well-trained to act brutally n aggresively in class. I entered that class with full, infact extra charged energy but i kept coming out feeling totally drained! "kepisan" However, within that four months, i believe i had tried very hard teaching them a lesson about respect, life and how to believe in themselves.. not just science. "chewah" I don't have the chance to see them since i left but lastnight, i chat with one of them just to ask for their progress. "mau tau apa?" hehe Most of them have been focusing on their studies. Even the most hyper-active talking 'machine' of the class has changed "miracle". Don't get me wrong, Its not that i'm proud with myself, but i am really proud of them. I knew it! i always believe in them & now, i prove some of the teachers wrong. "yeay" Keep it up people! work it! "hahaha" oh yea, i made a promise lastnight.. to pay them a visit by the end of August depending on their progress and attitude. -adios-

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