
Early January

Alhamdulillah, everything went just fine so far... and unlike any other working year, things are settling down quite fast this time. Most of my works and preparations are either completed or in progress. No major pending tasks =)

As a form teacher for my 11J(level 2), at first, I really didn't know what to expect. I had taught most of them for the past 2 years and what i could say was "this is not gonna be easy" Hence on the very first day of school, I didn't smile at all. Yes it was tiring! frowning most of the time and stayed silent even when they tried to be funny... But for the sake of class control and concrete first impression, I made it through the day! *Grumpy* haha

well on that very first day, we had a talk about self improvements and the changes i wanna see from them especially in term of attitudes. Glad they took it seriously. I know its too early to be satisfied but day after day I could see them improving, they knew the limits and never to cross the line between me as their
teacher and them as my students. Since they were behaving so well, I decided to let them paint their classroom. After a not-so-long discussion, we agreed on the colors.. and so I went shopping for the paint and all the tools needed, which cost me more than a hundred *toink*

What I noticed:
1. Now they have the sense of belonging and look after the cleanliness of the room.
2. After the 2 days of hard work, pressure and worries, jokes, laughter and madness.. apparently, we all grew closer.

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