

Salam guys,
hows everyone? tomorrow will be the isra' mikraj so hopefully we can learn something, improve ourself, spend some times alone and re-think of what u have achieved so far. Are you satisfied? Hopefully with the help of Allah the almighty, we can be a better person ~amin~ *tarus2 kana ceramah haha*Anyway, i just browsed thru all my old posts, read all the quotes and still loving them so much. While i was doing that, a question pops out "whats the purpose i created my blog?" for the other bloggers, whats your? Then i remembered the first day i had this blog, my main intention was to have something for me to reminisce, something for the kids "insyaAllah" *wink* However, i don't write much nowadays yet there was lots of things happening. Hmmm...

Last but not least, I've said this many times before and i'll say this again, "i'm proud & thankful to have all the big kids regardless of who they are... Guide us to the right path Ya Allah =,)

goodnight everyone...

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